e3 2015

31 May 2005
Could not see a general e3 thread so here goes.

The Microsoft briefing I thought was a disaster. Maybe that is because I am a PC gamer.

Sea Of Thieves could be a hit.

Am I the only one who each year is looking forward to the Ubisoft briefing more than the others? DAMMIT, if they got rid of uPlay, or at least removed it from Steam SKUs. It is frustrating as they do make some original content but their head seems to be firmly up their butt.

Am watching the Ubisoft conference now.

Southpark - The Fractured But Whole.... LOLs

Their briefings seem to be "real" compared to the others.

Not saw the Sony briefing yet.

The "PC Gaming Show" is at 2am tomorrow morning (17/06/2015).

Microsoft's E3 presentation has been very well regarded.

It probably is because you are a PC gamer. So am I really, but I'm not blind. People with Xbox One's are very happy about the announcements.
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From all accounts its best so far, the rest including Sony has been lack lustre according to the press and from what coverage I have seen. I'm looking forward to seeing if the PC Gaming Alliance puts anything up that's interesting today.
Am I the only one who each year is looking forward to the Ubisoft briefing more than the others? DAMMIT, if they got rid of uPlay, or at least removed it from Steam SKUs. It is frustrating as they do make some original content but their head seems to be firmly up their butt.

Am watching the Ubisoft conference now.

Southpark - The Fractured But Whole.... LOLs

Their briefings seem to be "real" compared to the others.

Wow. Really? I thought the Ubisoft presentation was utterly attrocious in every way imaginable.

Three identical looking Tom Clancy games, and yet another identical looking Assassins Creed, followed up by For Honor which was so boringly generic.

The only game that even slightly interested me was the new Trackmania, but even that just looked like a reskin of Stadium.

Worst presentation I've seen in E3.
Wow. Really? I thought the Ubisoft presentation was utterly attrocious in every way imaginable.

Three identical looking Tom Clancy games, and yet another identical looking Assassins Creed, followed up by For Honor which was so boringly generic.

The only game that even slightly interested me was the new Trackmania, but even that just looked like a reskin of Stadium.

Worst presentation I've seen in E3.

Had not finished watching when I posted. Maybe just me being a freak but I find the Ubisoft briefings to be very Euro vision, if that makes sense?
I watched a good amount of it and I thought it was pretty bad generally especially as a PC gamer. (Ubi stuff was just lol - if they wanted the further reinforce my decision to not buy their games they couldn't have done it better).

Found the Nintendo stuff unexpectedly quite good albeit with quite a bit of waffle at times but there was some obvious passion there and the competition was quite interesting.

Bethesda presentation was pretty good as well - very punchy, to the point, without the waffle/point scoring, etc. of some of the others and some interesting looking games and ideas on show even if I'm not entirely sold on some of the games.
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It's been alright so far I guess. I'm glad EA/Bioware finally announced the new Mass Effect (big fan of the series) - but I would've liked to see more and I think it was a mistake for them to open with such a massive title as doing so set the bar for the rest of EA's conference, which didn't really deliver.

Also, I'm hoping for big things at this PC Gaming Show. I've heard that Microsoft are attending and seeing as they liked to say "Windows 10 and Xbox Exclusive" a lot during their E3 conference, it could signal a nice change for us PC gamers in the not so distant future. For example, this announcement of backwards compatibility for the Xbox One is simply going to be based on an emulator from what I've heard - it would not be a big stretch to introduce this to Windows 10, effectively allowing all PC gamers to play 360 games. It's a big hope I know, but it would be amazing if something like that was to be announced (I'd love to play the Halo series on PC).
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More dual console/PC releases than ever which is a good sign.

Despite Microsoft blowing smoke up our *** regarding "we love PC gaming", they did not put their money where their mouth is regarding Halo and GOW, not even the GOW 1 remake is coming to PC.

SFV coming to PC is a big move seeing as not coming to Xbone.

Oh yeah, Shenmue 3 coming to PC - LOL

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Enjoying it so far, wish the Card stuff would move along though. Can we see more games please?

Also; no idea who the host is but I actually think he's doing really well.
More dual console/PC releases than ever which is never a good sign.


E3 as a PC gamer has never been their target audience. They might say it is. You only have to look back to titles that were PC only then came to console that never got a look in until the console releases.

It's mega bucks publishers throwing cash appealing to the COD console monkeys.
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