E3 Adr1ft trailer

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!

My interest is peaked at this trailer.

ADR1FT is an immersive First Person Experience (FPX) that tells the story of an astronaut in peril. Floating silently amongst the wreckage of a destroyed space station with no memory and a severely damaged EVA suit, the only survivor struggles to determine the cause of the catastrophic event that took the lives of everyone on board. The player fights to stay alive by exploring the wreckage for precious resources, and overcomes the challenges of an unforgiving environment to repair the damaged emergency escape vehicle and safely return home.

I'm interested, but I can't help but think this'll be another procedurally generated affair. I really struggle to find replay value in those. :(
I will reserve judgement until its reviewed. But at least its a pretty unique idea, in the gaming world at least.
Could be interesting, or could be incredibly dull, will keep and eye on it though. And yeah definitely looks very suited to rift/vive
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