E6400 OC'ing problems...

25 Mar 2008
Hey, I'm using an E6400, with stock fan at the moment, i plan to get

I'm also using AiBooster to overclock my CPU, and i turned it up to +15%, so i'm running at 2452Mhz atm, But when i try to turn it up to 20%, it instantly freezes... doesn't even get a chance to heat up...

The temperature is 50-62C on load, depending on the game (Crysis is the only thing i've seen take it past 60C)

So my questions are:
1. Why can't i overclock it any more?
2. Whats a safe heat for this processor to be running at?
3. am i likely to see a big difference in temperature switching from stock to my desired cooler?
The heatsink will come with some metal clips that allow you to attach a 120mm fan to the side, similar to this id imagine


Ah cool, Thank You, Is this likely to fit into my Thermaltake Shark case...?
It looks like it'd be sticking out the side..
The E6400 is a good Oc'er.

Mine's running @ 3.5, CPUz shows Vcore of 1.5V

runs 24/7 on AF7 temps about 60C.

I just set the memory to auto and upped the FSB & vcore Bingo!

Wow, sweet.

I read the guide on the OC'ing forum etc, but im still unsure as to why upping the Vcore helps raise FSB...
But i'm right in thinking upping the Vcore increases temperature massivley right? So i probably shouldn't do that till i change this stock cooler..
Well, i was going to try setting the FSB to 360 in the BIOS.
Come across a problem, I can't. :s
The only thing that says anything about changing FSB in the overclocking section allows minimum 533 i think, it's currently 1066.
This is under 'Extreme Tweaking' ---> 'Overclocking'
At the top of the BIOS screen it says
PHOENIX - BIOS CMOS setp utility, dunno if this helps at all.. but i can't seem to find where to change the FSB... it says it was 266 on AI Booster... but 1066 in the BIOs... unless it's talking about a different FSB...
Well... I'm not sure i want to do BIOS Flashing.

I did find a way to alternate the FSB... but it said the minimum was I think 533, and max 3000... I think... current was 1066... Which is strange because 8x1066... well, it isn't 2.13... even though on AiBooster it says the front side bus is like 260ish...
1. Why is it 1066...
2. How do i get to the FSB which you're telling me to change...?
You'll never guess what!
I did it... hehe.

However, My CPU is now at 72C... Is there anything i can do to lower this apart form lower the clock?
It automatically turned the memory FSB up to 900ish aswell... should i unlink the settings?
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