E900 or A620?

24 Feb 2004
After I diagnosed my camera as broken (or at least beyond reasonable repair cost - see here) I have been searching for a replacement.

Whittling it down through cost and features I have narrowed it down to the 2 cameras in the topic title.

Which is the better camera?
You will probably be pleased with either. I have the E550 which is the older version of the E900. I have been pretty pleased with it and haven't really come across any major problems other my lazyness which I can't blame on fuji.

If you don't do much photography in really dark conditions then I would get the fuji. It has excellent IQ and will take raw format but doesn't have a af asist light.

My only real regret is I find the small digicam style a bit strange to use with the rear screen and sometimes wish I had gone for a bigger superzoom style. But that would apply to both of the cameras you are looking at.

I would look at some reviews and other boards though as you will just get lots of Canon fans here telling you to get the Canon simply because it is Canon ;) Not to say it is a bad camera though, as I say both are good and I am sure if they both fit the usage you have then you will be happy with either.
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