Firstly let me say up until a few years ago EA did good games. Some very good ones but the slow and awful decline of comercialism and profit over quality has begun in earnest. You only have to look at the ammount of FIFA rendeitions that come out that are essentialy the same with some tweaked game play. Best is they got the FIFA License for another nine years or so
Now onto my real beef is with Battlefield 2. I make no apologies for the charges I bring against them. I love games. I have been playing them since the days of attic attac on the ZX Spectrum 48k. All the way through VIC20's, Commodore 64's Amigas, BBC Model B's Acorn Electrons. You name it I had it. The I got a PC and realised you could play Doom & Quake on line against someone on the other side of the world on compuserve via dial up. Dont worry im getting to the point. Anywho the though of playing games online got me hooked. The biggest one for me was Desert Combat which is a MOD for Battlefield 1942. I loved it. Graphicaly it was no masterpiece. Gameplay it was in a word FUN and I would say is still better now than it ever was with BF2
Ok some people will say that it has the ranking system yadda yadda yadda. Let me put this to you. BF2 Should never have been released in the state it was. At best it was an Alpha albeit a pretty one. Graphically its good but the thing that spoils it is the whole points and ranking system. Not to mention a pretty damn poor interface to browse for servers. Given the example of tonight. After four crashes to desktop when joining a server I managed to join a ranked server with a few of us playing on it. Two guys had pretty amazing scores. Then you work out how they do it. Sit in a tank and a helicopter and spawn kill from distance. I dont blame these sad saps who put points scoring and ranks above the enjoyment of the game play and god forbid actually using skill to compete in a multiplayer arena. Well done you are now a Seargant Major of the corps and you have your distinguished flying medal Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh and we have unlocked a new spud gun for your efforts
The other thing is that the ranking system is actually stopping the development of decent mods coming through. It's stifiling creativity. Why because the community has bought into the ranking system above gameplay, stability and quality. The bottom line is EA wont allow ranked servers for mods
With the patches that are coming out and making the game worse I wonder why bother. Its like returning a your new car because the air bag is faulty and it comes back to you with three wheels.
My other gripe is the price point of EA Games. If you look at any of the major publisher s of games. on various on line stores, every single one reduces prices after time. Not EA. Is this because they have to pay for developers to continually produce patches for sub standard games ??? Not to mention paying for more weapons and maps and costumes through add on packs like Eurforoces.
As far as I am concerned Desert Combat was more fun and it had a better community. This isnt me looking through the nostalgia goggles. I look forward to a lot of titles and get them if I think the demo is good.
So tonight I decided I will continue to play BF2 not because I like it but because my mates play it and thats the fun part of it. The game is too clinical. Given the choice I would send the disk back to EA as I am disapointed that they cant seem to iron out the bugs in their own code after twelve months. We were promised a massive step up from games like DC and BF1942. Other than the eye candy I am waiting to see it
Now onto my real beef is with Battlefield 2. I make no apologies for the charges I bring against them. I love games. I have been playing them since the days of attic attac on the ZX Spectrum 48k. All the way through VIC20's, Commodore 64's Amigas, BBC Model B's Acorn Electrons. You name it I had it. The I got a PC and realised you could play Doom & Quake on line against someone on the other side of the world on compuserve via dial up. Dont worry im getting to the point. Anywho the though of playing games online got me hooked. The biggest one for me was Desert Combat which is a MOD for Battlefield 1942. I loved it. Graphicaly it was no masterpiece. Gameplay it was in a word FUN and I would say is still better now than it ever was with BF2
Ok some people will say that it has the ranking system yadda yadda yadda. Let me put this to you. BF2 Should never have been released in the state it was. At best it was an Alpha albeit a pretty one. Graphically its good but the thing that spoils it is the whole points and ranking system. Not to mention a pretty damn poor interface to browse for servers. Given the example of tonight. After four crashes to desktop when joining a server I managed to join a ranked server with a few of us playing on it. Two guys had pretty amazing scores. Then you work out how they do it. Sit in a tank and a helicopter and spawn kill from distance. I dont blame these sad saps who put points scoring and ranks above the enjoyment of the game play and god forbid actually using skill to compete in a multiplayer arena. Well done you are now a Seargant Major of the corps and you have your distinguished flying medal Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh and we have unlocked a new spud gun for your efforts
The other thing is that the ranking system is actually stopping the development of decent mods coming through. It's stifiling creativity. Why because the community has bought into the ranking system above gameplay, stability and quality. The bottom line is EA wont allow ranked servers for mods
With the patches that are coming out and making the game worse I wonder why bother. Its like returning a your new car because the air bag is faulty and it comes back to you with three wheels.
My other gripe is the price point of EA Games. If you look at any of the major publisher s of games. on various on line stores, every single one reduces prices after time. Not EA. Is this because they have to pay for developers to continually produce patches for sub standard games ??? Not to mention paying for more weapons and maps and costumes through add on packs like Eurforoces.
As far as I am concerned Desert Combat was more fun and it had a better community. This isnt me looking through the nostalgia goggles. I look forward to a lot of titles and get them if I think the demo is good.
So tonight I decided I will continue to play BF2 not because I like it but because my mates play it and thats the fun part of it. The game is too clinical. Given the choice I would send the disk back to EA as I am disapointed that they cant seem to iron out the bugs in their own code after twelve months. We were promised a massive step up from games like DC and BF1942. Other than the eye candy I am waiting to see it