EA to buy Mythic

20 Oct 2002

Cant say im to happy with this, Mythic made a great mmorpg in Daoc and now are working on Warhammer Online now with EA on board who knows how its going to go. Could be a mixed bag with EA's financial backing but when they start interfering thats when they ruin the games.

Looks like EA are trying to get another bite to the mmorpg market, which will probably get oversaturated in the future.
ah well another ea mmo project so 6 months after it ships when its not hauling 100k subs it will get canned. great :mad:
Few years time and E.A will own all the smaller companies. Is there not anything that can be done to stop them? I actually like innovation in my games. :(
speeduk said:
Few years time and E.A will own all the smaller companies. Is there not anything that can be done to stop them? I actually like innovation in my games. :(

I wish we could, they are monopolising the gaming scene, churning out the same rubbish year after year, EA are the Hollywood of gaming & i hate it !.
So.. how long before we get to see 'vehicles' like Dragons for aircraft, Warhogs as tanks etc. in DAoC and gang's restructured to have a commander, map overview with orders, mystical barrages of lighting or some such to replicate artillery and all the other crap etc. etc.?
Still, maybe now that Mythic are no more, the agreement between them and GOA is void and they could finally take DAOC away from that shower of French muppets.
unfortunately if they did you'd probably lose your account as your a GOA customer, not a mythic one :p

EA suck they took over Ultima Online and messed it up royally from then on.
EA don't neccesarily mean bad things when they buy a developer, look at DICE, they made bf2 whilst under ea's control. Being bought by a developer that gave them complete financial freedom meant they could produce a superb game. Seriously this ea bashing is getting a bit childish now, i wiosh people would put their comments in the form of an arguement with some real points and evidence.
Depends if EA put profits before innovation and what the develpoer wants to achieve.

I get the feeling they look at Warcraft, see the insane revenue it pulls in, and want a slice of it. Without realising what a massive job it is.
Well ea have experience of a multiplayer game on an epic scale with bf2, and as i mentioned ea are hardly short of resources of any kind.
Sleepery said:
Still, maybe now that Mythic are no more, the agreement between them and GOA is void and they could finally take DAOC away from that shower of French muppets.

When one company takes over another, they inherit all the assets and liabilities of that company, so the contract between Mythic and GOA will still apply.

Things will likely stay as they are short term, but who knows what EA's long term plan is.
kdd said:
EA don't neccesarily mean bad things when they buy a developer, look at DICE, they made bf2 whilst under ea's control. Being bought by a developer that gave them complete financial freedom meant they could produce a superb game. Seriously this ea bashing is getting a bit childish now, i wiosh people would put their comments in the form of an arguement with some real points and evidence.

EA didnt fully take over untill they had released BF2 (or round about that time), they only owned 49% of the shares up till that point.
XPE said:
EA didnt fully take over untill they had released BF2 (or round about that time), they only owned 49% of the shares up till that point.

Ah right, and the fact that ea employed rather than fully owned dice made what difference?
“Ah right, and the fact that ea employed rather than fully owned dice made what difference?”
Yes it does unless they are fully owned they cannot interfere with the development as much. If they fully own you EA have more power on what happens. Its not uncommon for EA to pull stunts off like once they fully own you they demand everyone moves half away across the county or lose there job. More then 1 game has been killed by this and the loss of the main developers.

EA don’t exactly have a good track record with MMORPG’s. They tend to buy company’s then kill the MMORPG with bad management. There are plenty of examples of MMORPG going to pot once EA took over. I cannot think of any that where better of with EA.
kdd said:
Ah right, and the fact that ea employed rather than fully owned dice made what difference?

They ONLY distributed the game for DICE before they bought them over, (this is also why you seen EA's name all over BF1942 even tho they had no say in how it was made)

This is like what EA are doing with Crysis right now for crytek, they dont own or tell Crytek how to make games their games or give target to them when they expect the game to be shiped.

Thats the bloody difference.
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When EA games have a say, they make very good games, no doubt.

The fact that those games are released early, highly buggy, no future support makes EA dire, BF2 buggy as hell after every patch it gets worse, BFME2 not running for loads of people (me!) etc.

Not a good track record, good games but hardly ever work on the reliability front.
XPE said:
They ONLY distributed the game for DICE before they bought them over, (this is also why you seen EA's name all over BF1942 even tho they had no say in how it was made)

This is like what EA are doing with Crysis right now for crytek, they dont own or tell Crytek how to make games their games or give target to them when they expect the game to be shiped.

Thats the bloody difference.

Yes but no evidence to support. On what occasions?
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