Hey guys,
This is pretty complicated to explain, so hopefully I don't butcher it..and good ol' google only seems to make images not a 'text' format of what I need, so here goes;
Got a project I'm working on, and this is really giving me some hassle. Essentially, I have account ids that I wish to convert into EAN13 barcode, usually I do this with a VB macro, but I wish to convert the VB Code into PHP code and I can't get the same output whatsoever.
I have the EAN-13 barcode font, so it's just a case of making a "text" version of the barcode. eg the VB macro makes it something like "!AAAAE|384290]" that can then be pasted on the EAN font and it will create the barcode which is also scannable (hugely important).
That's the VB script. Which essentially gets the barcode, adds leading zeros, calculates checksum needs to and prints it in a format that you can paste into a text field with the EAN font and it will be scannable.
That's the PHP Script I have so far, which grabs the Account ID, creates leading zeros, but the code I was trying to get to make it scannable isn't working.
This is pretty complicated to explain, so hopefully I don't butcher it..and good ol' google only seems to make images not a 'text' format of what I need, so here goes;
Got a project I'm working on, and this is really giving me some hassle. Essentially, I have account ids that I wish to convert into EAN13 barcode, usually I do this with a VB macro, but I wish to convert the VB Code into PHP code and I can't get the same output whatsoever.
I have the EAN-13 barcode font, so it's just a case of making a "text" version of the barcode. eg the VB macro makes it something like "!AAAAE|384290]" that can then be pasted on the EAN font and it will create the barcode which is also scannable (hugely important).
Public Function EAN13(BarTextIn As String) As String
' Initialize input and output strings
BarTextOut = ""
BarTextIn = RTrim(LTrim(BarTextIn))
' Throw away non-numeric data
TempString = ""
For II = 1 To Len(BarTextIn)
If IsNumeric(Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1)) Then
TempString = TempString & Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1)
End If
Next II
' Better be 12 digits long, or error it
If Len(TempString) < 12 Then TempString = "000000000000"
If Len(TempString) > 12 Then TempString = Mid(TempString, 1, 12)
' Now calculate checksum and character map left and right sides
Sum = 0
WorkL = ""
WorkR = ""
For II = 1 To 12
If (II Mod 2) = 0 Then
Sum = Sum + (3 * Mid(TempString, II, 1))
Sum = Sum + Mid(TempString, II, 1)
End If
If (II > 2) And (II < 8) Then
WorkL = WorkL & getAB(Mid(TempString, 1, 1), Mid(TempString, II, 1), II - 2)
ElseIf II > 7 Then
WorkR = WorkR & Mid(TempString, II, 1)
End If
Next II
' Build actual checksum character
CheckSumValue = 10 - (Sum Mod 10)
If CheckSumValue = 10 Then CheckSumValue = 0
CheckSum = Chr(48 + CheckSumValue)
' Build working bar code string
BarCodeOut = Chr(Asc(Mid(TempString, 1, 1)) - 15) & Chr(Asc(Mid(TempString, 2, 1)) + 17) & WorkL & "|" & WorkR & CheckSum & "]"
EAN13 = BarCodeOut
End Function
That's the VB script. Which essentially gets the barcode, adds leading zeros, calculates checksum needs to and prints it in a format that you can paste into a text field with the EAN font and it will be scannable.
function ean13($output, $places){
//first change output to a string so that we can access individual numbers
$output =(string)$output;
// 1. Add the outputs of the output in the even-numbered positions: 2, 4, 6, etc.
$even_sum = $output{1} + $output{3} + $output{5} + $output2{7} + $output{9} + $output{11};
// 2. Multiply this result by 3.
$even_sum_three = $even_sum * 3;
// 3. Add the outputs of the output in the odd-numbered positions: 1, 3, 5, etc.
$odd_sum = $output{0} + $output{2} + $output{4} + $output{6} + $output{8} + $output{10};
// 4. Sum the results of steps 2 and 3.
$total_sum = $even_sum_three + $odd_sum;
// 5. The check character is the smallest number which, when added to the result in step 4, produces a multiple of 10.
$next_ten = (ceil($total_sum/10))*10;
$check_digit = $next_ten - $total_sum;
for($x = 1; $x <= $places; $x++){
$ceiling = pow(10, $x);
if($output < $ceiling){
$zeros = $places - $x;
for($y = 1; $y <= $zeros; $y++){
$leading .= "0";
$x = $places + 1;
$output = $leading . $output;
$output = $output;
return $output . $check_digit;
That's the PHP Script I have so far, which grabs the Account ID, creates leading zeros, but the code I was trying to get to make it scannable isn't working.