Earliest age for a child to start kickboxing.

28 Jun 2011
So, we live a town where pretty much anything is accepted and as a result everybody in the town is wet, and about as streetwise as a pink shoe-lace.

Their's nothing around here so eventually our kids are gonna wanna be going out where it's not as easy as they'll be used to, so we're gonna prepare them with kickboxing (hopefully Muay Thai if I can find a near enough club).

I've got a long background in martial arts although it's been about 10 years since i've been involved, so I've started preparing at home so when I return I'll be in good shape. We're planning on going as a family, so the instructor won't have to worry about controlling the kids, they'll behave for us.

Our oldest just turned 3, I'm thinking maybe 4 or 5 before I start taking him to training, once the twins are 4 or 5 then SWAMBO will start coming too with the other two.

So, fours years of age / five years of age?

Anybody had a similar experience?
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