Earn Money on the NET

12 Feb 2006
What i would like to know is that if anyone knows of any ways of earning extra money on the internet doing tedious small tasks. What i mean by this is you used to be able to, might still, do simple cheap jobs like getting sent envelopes, sealing them, and then sending them back to the sender and you'd like say £10 per 100 letters, but what i want is for something similiar but online. I am 18 years old in a few days and know how to use a computer very well. I can't do scripting type work but most other things, e.g. using access, spreadsheet, most not easy, but simplish tasks i can do.

you know of anywebsites or places i can do work to earn a little extra pocket money? thanks in advance
wow, your relpies really haven't helped me at all.

I do have a real job in the evenings, i am a cleaner and earn £7 per hour wokring 2 and a half hours every weeknight, however the money earn't doesn't cover al my cost, e..g paying off this computer, paying for driving lessons, paying for rent, paying for car, paying for insurance of car, going out with my girlfriend, paying for phone bill, it all adds up and any extra cash, although small, will help me.

I have free time after work whilst talking to gf on msn so i thought i could try multitasking, although i here us guys suck at this from an advert, and earn extra cash doing simple task.

So no one with any ideas?
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