Earning more than 9 - 5

25 Jul 2009
Hi guys,

been wanting to set something up for a while now but I feel like I have my hands tied due to my current situation. I am looking to start a business up soon or in the near future.

I work as an IT technician but I cannot setup a business for evening/weekend work because I will be treading on my current employers toes as we serve the public and its not an in house IT technician role.

Does anyone have any business ideas for evening/weekend work such as selling online etc (preferably IT/tech related).

Might be asking too much here but I thought ide ask.

How about doing IT work in your local area during the weekends? There are probably a lot of home users who'd require assistance.

Alternatively, why not get a weekend job at PC World?
Since you're the same person as above, what's going on?

Nobody here will be able to help you with any substance since your question is basically "how can I make more money" and "what business can I startup". All of the answers are totally up to you, your drive, ambition, hobbies, skillset, etc etc. In fact I wonder if any business has ever been started where the founder had to ask that question of other people at the start.
Personally I'd concentrate on your career if you want to earn more. Running a business should be a passion project -- something that you'd happily chuck the 9-5 in to do full time when you could. If you're just doing it to earn more beer-money, I can't see it lasting.
I watched a video on YouTube regarding RC content and noticed he was peddling one of those one PDF to success schemes and how he made money working for himself. Sure, snake oil and all that, but basically he was buying low priced RC parts from suppliers abroad and flogging them on eBay for a relative margin. It's not an unknown business and just needs a little initial research and investment. The thing is you need to be prepared to get it wrong and lose that initial investment, but there's plenty of people out there who will buy things like that from a local (UK based) eBay seller for a premium to negate the wait for shipping from abroad. You'll find trial and error following some considered research is the only way, no one person will have the answer as most will only relate it to their hobbies and needs. The main thing I buy on eBay are phone spares as I'm forever breaking them and fix them myself for the convenience.

As a side note, anyone advise me on extra income. I work a regular full time web developer role and as I only do work for the company I work for, there's an opportunity to freelance in my spare time. Would I need to register as self-employed? With a child on the way I'd like to do things above board.
Just looking for options at the minute that's all. I will listen to everyone's opinion then make up my own mind :)

I could do freelance stuff outside of hours providing my boss doesn't get funny. It would almost be me taking business away from my employer though.
if you have garage/garden and are hands on, then a workshop and can make all sorts of things. and slowly build up using ebay or facebook to sale.
Want to earn more money? Be prepared to work for it! At the moment im trying to setup my own business Upgrading, Repairing and Selling VW Vans. It literally eats your time to setup a business and make it successful. I work my normal day job 5am until 1pm. Then 1pm until whatever time it takes to finish/carry out the work I have planned. Then get home and reply to quotes/facebook/website/online orders. Thats 6 days a week, Sunday I dont goto the workshop but still do the web based stuff!
I have a passive income mining crypto, it's also a great hobby if your into computers as it covers everything from building to scripting and it can also take up very little time or you can tinker as much as you want.
If you want to make more money you need to speak to your boss, start trying to get business contracts and work your backside off.

I used to support 400+ people over 4 main locations + remote consultants. One office in Leicester was 2 hours away and due to either bad internet access or staff with no technical ability it was near impossible to troubleshoot some issues. A local company wanted £7.5k to support 6 users for a year... probably about 4 hours a month at most....
buying broken laptops and reselling on ebay is a good money earner for me.

but, at the end of the day, your career will ultimately (and more than likely) give you the consistent income that you need.

Most people start at the bottom. the internet is a wealth of knowledge. You should only spend a year or two tops as an IT Technician.

Specialise. learn. adapt. start looking at deficiencies at in your current place. start researching / recommending / implementing fixes for these negatives. Essentially get noticed.

Key problem with a lot of IT personnel - they are always reactive and never proactive - and that's why you will never progress in your roll.

if you hit a brick wall and never get noticed - move on to another company - and make sure in the interview you mention the problems you were dealing with, the solutions you proposed and why you thought it was a good idea.

Everyone loves a do'er
Matched betting.

It's a doddle. I don't have a job right now. I spend three hours a day betting, 7 days a week, and make enough to pay the bills. It's not a long-term solution. But it has bought me time to get other stuff off the ground.

As a supplementary income it is perfect as it's commitment free. Not in the mood? Don't bet. If you start selling stuff then you've got customers that you need to keep happy. You've got no choice but to work, regardless of how bad a week you've had or what your plans were for the weekend.
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Matched betting.

It's a doddle. I don't have a job right now. I spend three hours a day betting, 7 days a week, and make enough to pay the bills. It's not a long-term solution. But it has bought me time to get other stuff off the ground.

As a supplementary income it is perfect as it's commitment free. Not in the mood? Don't bet. If you start selling stuff then you've got customers that you need to keep happy. You've got no choice but to work, regardless of how bad a week you've had or what your plans were for the weekend.

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