Earphone choice for mobile/mp4/videos.

11 Jan 2007
I need a good quality earphone for my quad band mobile.The mobile features mp4,radio,tv,video playback.

Which earphone should i go for?

1)Creative EP-630 Earphones (30euros aprox)
2)SteelSeries Siberia In-Ear White Headphone (15euros aprox)
3)Razer ProTone m100 In-Ear Earphone (28 euros aprox)
<< These are some sexy looking earphones.

I am looking for both quality and style.As far as looks go i think the razer pro tone are the best looking.They also come with a handy splitter and a small pouch to carry safely in bag or so.
They have an adaper lead so any standard headphones can fit ? If so on this budget I'd go with sony ex85 £14-99 delivered
I think the mobile ships with standard mp4 headphone socket.

Please tell me which headphone is the best of those three i listed.
I'd take a look at the senheiser streetwear range as well - I have the MX550 and the audio quality is outstanding... and none too expensive either.
Yes i am sure that the earphones you are suggesting are great but i want something that is available local.Not going to be bother waiting for shipment for just a pair of earphones.

The best 3 phones that are available here are these

1)Creative EP-630 Earphones (30euros aprox)
2)SteelSeries Siberia In-Ear White Headphone (15euros aprox)
3)Razer ProTone m100 In-Ear Earphone (28 euros aprox)

Which one of these is the best?Money does not matter its only a small difference between the 3 of them.Please suggest me which one i should go for.
Well 2 + 3 are mouse/mouse mat manufacturers?

So go with number 1.

The 3 in your list are all pretty rubbish tbh.
Razer does headsets too.Are you sure they are all rubbish lol? I mean they cost like 30 euros or so which is not bad for a headphone.
Razer does headsets too.Are you sure they are all rubbish lol? I mean they cost like 30 euros or so which is not bad for a headphone.

They are rubbish when you can get better for the same/less from the like's of Sennheiser and Sony, or even the Crossroads Mylarones (but they'll take at least a week to arrive so pretty pointless.)

I ordered some Sony EX85s from an online shop with free delivery for £15 and they only took 2 days to arrive.

Where do you live as to not want to wait for delivery?

As for your original question, the Creatives are the best in the list I'd imagine.
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