Earphones for airplane?

29 Aug 2005
Silverfish Country
I'm gonna be flying to the States soon and was wanting a pair of earphones that'll block out as much ambient noise on the flight as possible. Now I've been thinking about the Sennheiser CX300s and the Creative EP-630s - but I'm concerned about people's complaints of vibrations running along the wires... which I imagine would sound worse on a plane. Anyone have any recommendations? Are the vibrations that bad?
I can't think why you'd get vibrations on a plane :confused: (and I don't mean turbulence)

Any canal phones should block out ambient noise, although you can get regular in-ear phones and over-ear-phones that have a little battery powered noise-cancelling device on the cord, but these tend to be much more expensive (check reviews for how well they work). The Sennheisers and the Creatives you mentioned are the same, except rebranded, iirc. How much are you looking to spend? Because Shure and Westone make excellent ones, but many times the price of the ones you listed. :)
The vibrations transferred via the earphone wires is called microphonics and is normal. I have the Shure E3c and Etymotic er6i and they are both excellent at blocking out airplane noise. Noise cancelling earphones I don't recommend, just get a canal earphone like the ones I have.
Cheers for the advice guys.

I'm not willing to spend more than £30 - so if the Sennheisers or Creatives can block out the noise pretty well, then I can't justify getting more expensive earphones
The Creatives and Sennheiser you mention are identical btw, so save some money and get the £15 creatives. The wire problems aren't so bad if you're sat fairly still. Also if you don't have whiskers/stubble that will help too.
Doohickey said:
I can't think why you'd get vibrations on a plane :confused: (and I don't mean turbulence)

Turbulence happens all the time in aircraft ( I dont know if you mean turbulence in aerodynamic term or as in rough plane motion), The first is normally caused by aerodynamic "noise" in the engines which are transfered by the structure of the aircraft to your seat, as you are all connected.

Other areas can be things as little as transformers for a light switch etc.

Hope this answers part of your question, If not I'll try and go into more detail.

KaHn said:
Turbulence happens all the time in aircraft ( I dont know if you mean turbulence in aerodynamic term or as in rough plane motion), The first is normally caused by aerodynamic "noise" in the engines which are transfered by the structure of the aircraft to your seat, as you are all connected.

Other areas can be things as little as transformers for a light switch etc.

Hope this answers part of your question, If not I'll try and go into more detail.


Oh, by turbulence I was just thinking of rough plane motion.

Just couldn't think of any instances where I've experienced vibrations on my headphones, that might have been worse on a plane is what I meant.
IEM is alright on the plane. I'd say it is one of the few places which it has the least side effects as long as you don't move around too much.
Used the 630s on the plane - and I could still hear the humming of the plane loud and clear. I could only hear the brighter parts of any music I was listening to - the bass got drowned out by the ambient noise of the plane.

If any of you are gonna use these for watching movies on a plane, they'll at least be good enough for hearing dialogue
The 630s and cx300 are not the same phone!! They have different drivers... the cx300 is a little better.

Id go for some WESTONE UM1's for about £50 - you can use many different types of tips (same tips as shure range and Etymotic). The beauty about the Westones appart from their sound quality is that they lye in the ear so the mircophonics are not a problem - I use my UM2's in the gym all the time and do 10 k runs and hear nothing but music.

Id save your pennys a bit and get a proper earphone like the westone range... its worth it in the end.
Well they are a lot more expensive, but i have used the Bose Quiet Comfort headphones for several years now, and I have to say they were one of the best things I ever bought. I do quite a lot of flights to US and Australia, and on a long haul flight the difference they make is incredible. Completelty cancels out the roar of air conditioning, and whilst they don't cancel voices, they take the edge of them, and the sound quality is good for movies and laptop sounds (wouldn't say they were hi-fi). So confortable you can sleep in them too.

Tried canal phones (etymotic 4ps) but just couldn't get a comfortable fit, although I've heard people say if they do fit your ear the noise cancelllation and quality is excellent.
king_kenny said:
Tottaly off topic here but, can i use my sony mp3 player on the plane The mp3 player ??? just am scared incase i make the plane crash :p :eek: or i get told off :confused:

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