Earphones off Definitely Maybe film

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
OK random thread time, but Ive been looking to no avail...

In the film Definitely Maybe at the start Ryan Reynolds wears some earphones that are completely cordless it seems (literally just puts the bud in his ears) and then holds what appears to be a mobile though on second thought its probably a mp3 player (candy bar/lipstick).

Does anyone know what Im on about and what those earphones were as I want some!!! I suspect they must be bluetooth but Ive not seen anything like these...

P.S. Is this the best forum for this?


ps3ud0 :cool:
Unfortunately that wasnt them - literally just a normal bud without any wires - Im actually double-guessing myself as I doubt they probably actually exist :(...

Damn Oasis and Google :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Cheers Bush, theres a couple of people on the net who thought it was them but they were definitely black and looked very much like the Sony earbuds you normally get free with Sony players just cordless...

P.S. It better not be them since they are expected to cost $599 :p

I wish I could screen capture what I mean :/

sosrandom - I was considering the Sony DR-BT30Qs - any good?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Now Ive just found out Sony are releasing some new Bluetooth MP3 players (still supports normal wired phones) - wonder what the sound quality will be like...

Still looking for those magic earphones though ;)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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