Easiest way to automatically share save game data across my 2 pcs

20 Oct 2011
I have 2 gaming systems, both in separate rooms, but i am looking for a simple, no hassle method for sharing the save games onto both systems without the need to remember to copy data or move it around.

Is there a simple, easy option so I can have my save game data easily accessible.

One thing to mention, both systems are not turned on at all times and very rarely at the same time.

Windows 10 syncs up files dosnt it?

Hi, that is true, but I tend to game on Windows 7 on one of my systems and 10 on the other one.

But I could go windows 10 on both, would I just log in with the same user name and password on both systems to enable this feature?

Then point the saves locations to the sync location?
This might be a pain in arse, if you make a sync folder on Computer A, it would need to stay switched on for Computer B to pick up the files. You'd need to have the saves on a separate device say an old laptop or NAS which is always on so that either PC can sync without the other one.

Also games are going to save to different places. I guess most save to My Docs now, do Steam games? Older games might save in their directories and you might not get a choice in game where the saves go. I think it might be a bit of a nightmare tbh unless it's for one or two games.
For some of my games i've generated a symlink from steams game save directory right to my dropbox. So when a game gets saved, it's automatically synced to the cloud. I've not loaded that onto another PC to test if i can continue with the save file, but i don't see why this couldn't work.
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