Easiest way to familiarise oneself with Google Tag Manager?

14 Apr 2014
Hi all

Part of my job includes providing companies with scripts that they implement on their website, usually directly into the head of the site, however an increasing number of clients are using Google Tag Manager.

My basic understanding of GTM is that it injects scripts/tags onto their website, rather than the site itself running them.

Due to the nature of the script I provide, it requires a bit of setting up on GTM to work properly, however I have no experience with it. So when a client encounters an issue with the setup process, I struggle to provide input without external help.

I'm looking to change this.

I'm thinking that the best course of action is to setup a dummy website, or somewhere I can add code and use with Google Tag Manager to test different configurations.

What would be the best way to do this?

Many thanks :-)
You could possibly test it via Codepen without the need to create a site somewhere, although it may work locally in a plain html file. Google has fairly extensive docs usually, but if you have specific needs it may take some extra searching.
Might be a bit late coming in to this, but my recommendation would be to set up a free WordPress website so you can practice setting up a new GTM property and integrating it with tags and triggers.
You shouldn't need coding experience to work with it, there are plenty of free plugins to allow you to integrate a GTM property without having to edit the site files.
Might be a bit late coming in to this, but my recommendation would be to set up a free WordPress website so you can practice setting up a new GTM property and integrating it with tags and triggers.
You shouldn't need coding experience to work with it, there are plenty of free plugins to allow you to integrate a GTM property without having to edit the site files.

A little late, since I’ve actually left that job now, but appreciate the response nevertheless :cool:
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