Easiest way to join Ubuntu 16 to an active directory domain

19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand

I've got a server essentials 2012 r2 domain running at home and I'd like to join a Linux installation to it. I understand active directory relatively and can do windows ones without an trouble but joining a Linux machine has proven to not be so easy for me, I can use the command line and do 'things' with Linux but I'm not a whizz with it.

Does anybody have any easy tutorials or go to websites that can show me how to do it? I've tried following the Ubuntu help page for sssd but the service wouldn't start after following the editing and I'm just not sure if it is working right.

Any help is appreciated.

I've done the hitting myself in the face bit for the past few days, hence why I'm posting here! :p

I'll have a look at that link though.
No offence but if you're not a *NIX admin or have extensive experience then you're really going to struggle. What are you trying to achieve by joining it to AD?

None taken, I'm just interested as I try to connect most things to my domain if possible if they're permanent. At the moment, the ubuntu system is the controller for my unifi setup, so would be running 24/7 on one of the vm hosts.

There isn't really a compelling reason to do so, especially as there is no 'connector' software like there is for Windows machines, just playing really as I haven't tried before.
It would give me absolutely nothing bar a challenge :-) I've stopped now as it wasn't worth it really as you've all described!
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