easter egg help

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

I know this is an odd question to be asking but, does anyone know which supermarket is selling high school musical easter eggs? I remember seeing an advert with it on but can't find them now.

While we're on easter eggs, does anyone else get annoyed with the stupid price of them??

Your paying for 80% packaging and the average choc bar has more chocolate in it! Next year I am going to make my own :)
OK, off to Tesco before work :D

I made my other half a chocolate rice krispie filled egg a couple of years ago and now I keep getting everyone else asking for them.

May start making my own eggs and fillings and stock pile them for next year :D
Glad to be of some service to you, and the chocolate rice krispie filled egg sounds awesome!


yeah they are, trick is keeping the egg cold enough while putting warm krispies in. Solid eggs don't work too well, hard to eat and sickly!

I may try and find a way of making a choc and marshmallow rice krispie egg next :D
hmm, rice krispie cake number one down :)

Thought I'd experiment and banged a few chunks of choc over the heat to melt and then added a splash of baileys. It went hard quick fast but tasted amazing, think I'm going to be having another go tomorrow before work :D

oh, and if depending on the method you use, you may have to spot melt the egg back together with a hot knife, when you've finished, DO NOT go to lick the choc off the knife! Did it without thinking and burnt my tongue :(
Here is a quick how to if anyone is interested in doing it, or perhaps it's something to do with the kids over the weekend.

You need a big box of Rice Krispies, 200-250g of chocolate (I use normal plain cooking choc, but it's up to you) and a normal sized easter egg.

The first problem is opening the egg without destroying either it or the foil it's in. There are 2 ways of opening the egg. Last year I just smashed the top in, got the bits out so I could rebuild it later on. This year, I used a small sharp knife and pushed it in through the seam. A couple of CM and the egg practically falls apart although you may get a bit that doesn't break properly.

Lie the egg halves on some silver foil and start to melt the chocolate in a large bowl (I do this over a pan of boiling water). Keep stirring and once completely melted remove from the heat and add rice krispies. I think everyone knows how to make choc rice krispies so I'll leave it here :p

Next, leave the choc krispies to cool for 5-10 mins. This is to ensure that the egg doesn't melt when you add the krispies to it.

I am guessing you split it in half, so the next step is to start adding the krispies to the egg. Fill each half and make sure its compressed down but that not too much is sticking higher than the rim, a little is good as it helps with bonding later.

Once both halves are filled it's time to rebuild the egg. Couple of ways of doing this. You can either reply on the krispies compressing when you push it together to hold it. You can heat a knife up and spot weld the seam or you can add more melted choc with a cold knife around the seam like a cement. Place it in the fridge for 30 mins so it cools and hardens.

Re wrap and package :)

Most of it is obvious but thought I'd add what I do so you don't make similar mistakes to me :)
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