Easy, Quick and Fresh Homemade Mini Pizza's - No Cooking Skills Required

21 Jun 2006

Fresh Focaccia's from Peckhams
Pizza Sauce
Cheese (whatever type you like)
Toppings (whatever you like, may need to be cooked separately before adding to pizza, depends on what the topping is)
Mixed Herbs


1. Cut Focaccia in half to make 2 bases.
2. Spread pizza sauce on pizza bases (inside of focaccia facing up).
3. Sprinkle with toppings.
4. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
5. Sprinkle with mixed herbs
6. Place under a hot grill until cooked, usually done within 3-5 minutes. (not oven, grill is better)

Sorry got no pictures, but this pizza is one of the best i have ever tasted, the focaccia's from peckhams are lovely and herby and fresh and also the perfect size and round for mini pizza's. This is supposed to be a quick and easy pizza, no need for all that dough, pizza stone nonsense, in and out the kitchen within 10 minutes and you have an end product which is actually a lot better imo.
What kind of response are you looking for posting this in the cooking section? do you want us all to say " omg I have being wasting my time all these years baking my dough nonsense, buying gay pizza stones, should have been going to my bakers all this time omgz"

did you read the thread title?

its a quick and easy pizza, so im letting beginners and advanced chefs know, that if you want a top quality home made pizza, you dont always have to make your own dough and heat up a pizza stone, etc.

ive made pizza using my own dough, even calzones, too. but to be honest, for all the time and effort, they arent worth it imo, these pizza's taste better and take less than half the time.

peckhams focaccias are perfect as a mini pizza base, they have a wonderful herby essence and taste. the fact you also get 2 mini pizza's from 1 roll, is also very good value for money.

not everyone has all day (exaggeration i know), to cook something up, especially if they are tired, so these shortcuts provide them with the exact same thing all within 10 minutes, why do you think jamie oliver does those 30 minute meals shows? people dont wanna be spending all their spare time in the kitchen, or even if they wanted to they have other priorities which come first and therefore cannot.

im all for fresh and healthy eating, but you have to draw a line somewhere and take shortcuts sometimes.
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