Easy to drive headphones for Oculus Quest over ear

19 May 2012
hey, any suggestions for easy to drive wired headphones for the oculus quesT? i don't mind open or closed... altho i really do like open headphones.

for reference i have akg 712s but they don't drive high enough.. and they are too big/not practical or ergonomical enough to be used portably with the quest.

detachable cable would be great.
Despite the short cable the DT770's are not any more practical for portable use than the K712.

I already have my AKGs.

I need them to be hooked up to my VR headset so the shorter the cable the better, the DT 770 is still way too long hence why I'm after something where I can use my own 3.5mm 15/30cm cable,
Yes I know. Just pointing that if the AKG's are not practically portable, then neither are the Beyer's. Maybe should have quoted Esat's post, which is what I was replying to.

Ah perfect. Yup we are on the same page!

Do you have any reccomendations? At present I've come up from this thread the Sony MDR-1AM2Bs. They seem to be small, light, detachable cable, portable. However they are closed back. Not sure if open would have been better? For £150, can I do any better guys?

I'm only saying this as I have just used my AKGs and the sound stage feels :just right: lol.
The Sony MDR-1A is bassier than the Audio-Technica MSR7, so for gaming accuracy the MSR7 may be a slightly better choice.
As Marsman stated, mobile headphones will be almost exclusively closed back as that is a prime consideration of mobile headphones.
If you want open back, then why not use the AKG K712 with a shorter after market cable? I bought a 1.2m cable for mine from Amazon for around £15
Akgs aren’t hitting adequate volumes for me from the quest I think. I’ll try again tonight but it was not loud enough when I tried.
you are stuck with full sized headphones with fully circumaural pads in that case, so your choices are AKG K702/712, Beyerdynamic DT770/990, etc.

I actually find the Sonys quite comfortable for long sessions, all I can think of is that your ears must be on the large side and the pads rest on the outer edges rather than fitting just around them. This means you will likely have the same problem with any headphones designed for mobile use.

What about takstar 82 pros
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