Easy to run Mac Pro benchmarks.

18 Oct 2002
Hi there, I am just curious what sorts of benchmarks would be ideal to run on the new Mac Pros?

I have used xbench before, but it's fairly basic. If possible I might be able to get access to the new Quad core Mac Pro, and maybe the 8 core. If that were the case are there any easy to run, i.e. no Terminal work, benchmark programs or things I could try.

I won't have access to programs such as Photoshop or Final Cut etc. so it would probably have to be a standalone benchmark program.

Does anyone have any ideas?

I wouldnt get drawn in to benchmarking Mac Pro's, I don't believe for one minute the programs out there actually make use of the hardware available!

I'll go further and say Leopard is FAR from capable at utilising any Mac Pro, 08 or 09.

It's Snow Leopard that'll make more use of the hardware and multicores! Maybe then I'll regret selling my Mac Pro! :(
Seems someone over at the MacRumors forums has received his dual 2.93Ghz Mac Pro. Now I have no idea how reliable GeekBench is but he got a score of around 17k, and looking at the other scores the early 08 3.2ghz model got near 9k...?

That's a good thing, right?
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