Easy way to make money?

I looked at this once before. The problem is none of those phones sell for that much on ebay. The clearance phones such as the v3 and the k750i sell for a reasonable amount but then again clearance phones don't always look in really amazing condition so there's a certain risk to them if you're looking for reselling.

You do make some money back though so suppose it depends how much you want a bit of money.

I'm tempted to get one when I move though because I could do with off peak minutes then.
laissez-faire said:
What is to stop me buying 20 phones?
O2 might not let you have that many ;)
I know often when I run credit checks at work it says customers can have 2-3 contracts at most.

You could be fine though, I know a mate at work sold 17 contracts to one person a few months back but that was for a charity.
Isn't cashback often paid in stages though?
So you'd need to pay the contracts for the year and then claim the money back at months 4, 8 and 12.

All seems like a lot of hassle to be honest.
You could have course go via cashback sites make your order and get £10 cashback so the phone would only need to see for £2 + listing fees
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