Easy web design

27 Jun 2007
I've currently been hosting and managing my girlfriends website for a few years. It's a Wordpress site, looks ok and she's happy with it, but the problem is it isn't really novice friendly - as in she can't edit any of the info on there. She really wants to be able to, I want her to be able to too, is there a design site out there which is easy to maintain?
Pretty simple really, it's a services website, one service per page with some info & pricing. No ecommerce or anything. It's currently made using Salient, had a simpler theme before that but I don't remember what it was, even that wasn't really novice user friendly.
If you are logged in as an administrator or editor you get an "Edit Page" button right at the top of the page as long as you are on the page you want to edit. It really is that simple.
Not to a novice who isn't au fait with the not very user friendly backend of WordPress with a custom theme.
I'd like to find more of a WYSIWYG type of hosting which is really simple and easy for her to use.
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