Ebay and JavaScript

28 May 2008
So I am making a new site for my eBay shop and its coming on nicely got the pics and css hosted on my FTP. I put together a jQuery slideshow and it uses 3 external .js files that are also hosted on my FTP and some script on the page itself that I have in the head tag. All works fine from my domain and locally. Problem is eBay doesn't seem to allow certain methods of using script and after some trial and error I found out that it’s the links to the external js files it doesn’t like because if I post the exact same HTML just without those 3 lines of code it works. The code in the files are far too big to have on the page in script tags.

Has anyone had any experience with eBay HTML and knows if there is a way round this or any suggestions for alternative methods. I have put together a simple HTML slideshow with buttons but it doesn’t have any timing slide features or anything so kind of sad I can't use my other one. :mad:

Any help greatly appreciated :)
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