eBay mini rant

9 Dec 2009
I receive a message from a seller, presumably because I'm watching the item, which is up for sale on a buy it now basis for £25. They offer to sell me the item for £22. I reply, saying I'll take them up on their offer if they can sell me x2 at £22 each (bicycle tyres, I need a pair). The seller says yes, but I'll need to make them another offer. The item doesn't have the "make an offer option". I accept the £22 offer for 1 item, in the hope that when I "buy another" it's at the reduced price, but of course it isn't. I message the seller, and they reply saying there's a problem and they don't have the function to enable me to buy multiple items at a reduced price, so the only option is to buy via the "multibuy" button at £23.74 each. By this time I was annoyed, I didn't start negotiating over price, they did, it's a matter of principle, not just a few pounds, so I messaged them saying forget it. I'm now being chased for payment on the original 1 tyre I committed to buy at £22!

1st world problem rant over, I don't know how I manage to cope.
Just buy the one... and ask them to relist one at a lower price??? Is super easy

Of course I could but that begs the question: Why on earth did they not suggest this themselves, rather than trying to make me purchase by multideal at a higher price that they agreed?

Also, if I were to buy one and then request another discount, would they slavishly post out 2 parcels because there's 2 orders, so I then have to look out for 2 deliveries.
I'd just ignore it. You have evidence in the messages that the seller is reneging on the deal. I plan to do the same if the seller doesn't cancel the offers he accepted.

Yes, I'll just ignore it, they still haven't replied to my message asking them to cancel. Sorry to hear you got messed around too.
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