ebay Multimeter advice

Not to sound stupid why do you need the ablitiy to connect a PC to the multimeter.

If you don't need a computer connection Go on ebay and type in kewtech, extremely good quality for the price (around £30)
Not to sound stupid why do you need the ablitiy to connect a PC to the multimeter.

No such thing as a stupid question. I'd like to log the power use of a few appliances over 24 hours/log temp over 24 hours.

I know there are other ways but this seems like a good way to cross 2-3 tools of the to buy list!
I'd avoid eBay for multimeters.

Bought my first one from there, and it soon started misbehaving and giving largely inaccurate readings. Replaced it with a UT60E from the same well known high street electronics store and have never looked back :)
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