ebay Store Design

28 May 2008
Hey Guys,

I am developing / designing a store front for my friends ebay shop.

For now I have been using a sandbox ebay account with premium store + sandbox verified paypal account for testing. The sandbox is a nightmare with it being very slow and also lots of random bugs redirecting me to ebay.tw for example :(

Does anyone have any experience with developing ebay store fronts and if so could they give me a few pointers on the best process for the transition from test -> live?

For example is it possible for my friend to give me developer access to his store?

Any help much appreciated :)

He is selling suspension trainers and a few other fitness items.

Not a massive operation but he sells a good amount and defo want to help him get an improved front end on his store but eBay development processes don't seem to be the best :( or possibly I am missing some tricks.

I may end up just having to go to his house and finish it on his live account (unpublished) test then and there > launch. Not the best way of doing things :/
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