ebooks - yah, i'm serious!

18 Oct 2002
Microsoft have a new product coming out shortly which is supposedly a touch-screen tablet-pc type computer the size of a novel which can access the internet, plays MP3 and movies, and has all sorts of weird and wonderful features.

The first thing I thought was "cool, I wonder if it will be any good for text files" (i.e. Novels)

Despite all the talk about portable ebook (readers), conflicting formats really killed the idea.

Are there any ebook readers either on the market or easily available second hand that
- can display plain text documents
- clearly i.e. won't make my eyes any sorer than reading a (paper) book
- low cost
- good battery life
- can deal with bookmarks
- small and light, about the size of a normal novel
- B&W is ideal, not really interested in colour. Backlit screen not necessary either - I want it to appear like reading a normal book.

As well as free-to-download novels, I often find myself reading large text-files on the internet (the webs not all pr0n and macromedia flash ya know).
I'd hate to think printing everything out onto A4 pages, or lugging around a laptop computer are the only way to read these files offline.
Jimbo said:
I am also very interested in this, and at the mo I read a lot of ebooks and comics on my laptop. I also have a PSP and I have come across the following...




I've yet to try it out but it could be promising. :)
Hmm, vertically it's too narrow, horizontally it's too short.
I suppose PDAs can be used too, but I'm really looking for something with a big screen. I'd sorta be surprised if at least one manufacturer didn't make a big push with an ebook device only to go into liquidation 6 months later, but as yet I can't find anything that would be similar to reading a real book.
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