Ecco Appreciation

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Just booted up my dreamcast recently and have been playing Ecco the Dolphin: defender of the future (Was also on the ps2, with reduced graphics apparently). What a fantastic game. Although the gameplay can be a little slow, it is proberly the most rewarding puzzle game I have ever played. I've completed it before but remmeber it being tough as nails.

Also the genesis / megadrive versions were equally good, although perhaps a bit frustrating as I was pretty young!

Who else thinks these games were awesome? I have a friend (Who will proberly read this) who thinks the Ecco series was dull as possible. But I thought it was a relaxing, challenging, beautiful game series.

Why don't they make another one :( ?
What I really loved was that you had so much control over him on the dreamcast. The camera had two settings, one which was more aestethic (sp?) and as you swam around the camera slowly followed round, so it looked like you were watching a wild life programe or something. I think many people were put of because they didnt realise that changing the camera to the practical angle (behind him) made things soooo much easier.

Speaking of wildlife programmes, didn't david attenbrough narrate it? :D

The megadrive version was really really tough for its time if I remmeber, to complete that without cheating you must have been gooood!
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