Eco survival

27 Oct 2005
REALLY looking forward to this one if it's as good as it says on the tin :)

Basically the server is a planet minecraft-ish but every tree the players chop down/animal they kill affects the ecosystem and in great enough quantities can cause global warming and other changes.

There will also be player governments who can enact laws on hunting/fishing etc to preserve the food chain.

Anyone else waiting for this?

youtube trailer here (as the stupid bbcode wont work)
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Sounds interesting but I see a flaw- in the real world, many of the questions and decisions asked by the game, in the real world, still don't have answers, which is where politics/ wars/ pressure groups/ revolutionaries and leaders come in all of whom have a different opinion on how we fix issues and develop, and humanity has to choose a path to go down. . However in this game, after one or two play through, people will know the optimum strategy so everyone will be in agreement and no 'decision making' will be needed.
I dunno, there are some pretty obvious "winning" strategies in real life. It's just that for some people, profit now comes ahead of preserving the ecosystem for 10 generations in the future ;)
Players can propose, discuss, and vote on laws, and passed laws will affect everyone, physically preventing them from breaking the law.
Shame. If you could totally ignore the laws and create chaos then I'd be in. Given that you can't, I'm not.
Shame. If you could totally ignore the laws and create chaos then I'd be in. Given that you can't, I'm not.

I agree. For a cross between Second Life/ EVE and a strategy game, leaving out the ability to reject laws and government and have civil war seems a big omission. I'll be very interested to see who ends up in a position of power and whether is mirrors the real life 'its who you know...' Side of things which could ultimately lead to poor leadership (and then onto unrest / civil war), which you won't be able to do. But that would need a police force and prison etc...
Here's one to maybe solve your query stew,

"The only laws in the game are ones that players create through the player-run government. To start they are unbreakable (enforced by the game itself), but we have plans to allow them to be broken, with law-breakers subject to arrest and punishment via a player-run criminal justice system (this is how PvP will work in the game). There are no AI villains in the game, humankind serves this role for itself well enough, and overcoming that conflict between individual and group incentives is one of the core challenges of Eco."
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