Ecotek valves??

28 Jul 2003

I'm currently thinking about buying a Pipercross Induction Kit for my Fiesta Zetec-S.
Someone i know from work is selling a Pipercross Viper kit (these cost around £250 brand new) and he wants only £100 for it. A normal Pipercross induction kit costs around £75-80.
I am tempted by the Viper kit but it claims to make power increases of around 10bhp, to me this sounds like BS. I've also not heard veryu good things about it, most reviews i've read say that it isnt worth £280 but seeing as i could get it for £100 it may be worth it.

Recently a friend from work mentioned something called an 'Ecotek valve'. Ive never heard of this myself and was wondering what it was. He says it is like an induction but offers better gains.
I've been looking around for some info on these Ectotek valves and to be honest i dont really understand what it does.

Can anyone explain to me what Ecotek valves do? Are they a replacement for induction kits?
If Ecotek valves are a load of BS then should i go for the Viper induciton kit or just settle for a standard Pipercross induction kit?

Thanks in advance!
Matt82 said:
firstly you should just accept that youll never make a fast car out of the zetec-s, youll regret throwing tons of money into it if that is your pursuit.

10bhp on the induction kit? not in a million years. the viper ones are less crap than the usual ones as they enable you to get a cold air feed to it. it will make more noise which will give the illusion of being quicker.

as for the ekotec valves, no idea what they do. from memory it does something stupid like introduce air into the fuel system.

utter BS.... dont bother

I'm not trying to make my car any faster tahn it already is.
I've already got a Powerflow full system exhuast and am considering to a buy an induction kit so i can get a nice sound from the engine as i boot it.
I didnt believe it when i read that Viper kits can give an increase of 10bhp but seeing as i am probably going to spend about £80 on a Pipercross induction kit i was just wondering whether it would be worth spending another £20 for a Viper kit.
Just to make it clear, Viper induction kits dont come with a cold air feed pipe, you have to buy that separately. The only differences i can see between the standard Pipercross and Viper are that the Viper is enclosed in a carbon fiber case (to probably prevent heat soak) and the Pipercross air feed pipe can be connected straight into it.
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