Edifier S530

12 Apr 2013
Has anyone tried the Edifier S530? Could you tell me how they are or if they are worth it, or why price better buy something else??

I see that they give very high score, no one has them to comment on their impressions??

I see that they compare them a lot with the Logitech Z5500 although these are 5.1.
2.1/5.1 sets like those are rarely ever worth it for pure SQ, the satellites don't go low enough and the subs are usually crossed over too high. Though if you're mainly gaming or watching movies those issues won't matter as much as music.

Something like a Edifier R1280T + BK Gemini sub would sound better if you really want a 2.1, otherwise I would say JBL LSR305's for 2.0

The main use I give you will be for music and games, since to watch movies I use another room that I have dedicated to cinema.

I point out your two alternatives both the Edifier R1280T + BK Gemini, or the JBL LSR305.

Before the Edifier I was looking at the Yamaha HS5 monitors, but in the end look for another alternative.

No sorry I do not have the S530's, I do however have the Z5500's but not sure how much of a comparison can be drawn from them.

The Z5500's are indeed 5.1 they are also 500w and use a huge sub which produces quite a decent amount of bass. They are not audiophile quality and the satellites will distort at higher volume levels, but for the price they are pretty good. I use them for everything including music but the are better for movies or gaming.

Funny enough I am also contemplating a decent set of 2.1's or components to replace the Z5500's, I'd prefer something a bit smaller with a bit more clarity and just use the Z5500 as a home theater set up.

Would be interested to see what you end up getting.

I have clear that I do not want a 5.1, since for space and for the use that I am going to give it would not compensate me. The Logitech Z5500 looks great and sure to be a good buy, but I think I'll look at about 2.1

I will look at the alternatives of Comrade Doobedoo, and to see why I decide, the truth that I now arise more doubts. :p
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