Education Discount

9 Dec 2007
I'm currently trying to decide what ultra portable to get for when I start university in September. I'm torn between something cheap and cheerful like the MSI Wind or on the other end of the scale, a Macbook Air.

Obviously the price difference is huge, which is why I'm trying to look in to the education discounts that Apple offer to students. I have been to their site and it doesn't provide me with any discount/price information until I can access the website from the universities network. So, I was wondering if anyone here has used the service before, with a higher education discount? What kind of % savings are we talking? Or is it too negligible to matter?
Why not go for a regular Macbook? Is there any reason why you need an ultraportable? You pay a big premium in either money (Air) or capability (EEEPC, Wind) to get an ultraportable as opposed to a... portable portable (?)
Air is way too much money, for the same money you can get an MBP.

But if you want portable you could get an Macbook. Infact, for the price of the Air you could probably get a Wind and a Macbook.
Thanks guys.

I'll check the dimensions of the Air/MacBook/Wind etc properly, but I was under the impression the MacBook would be standard laptop sort of size.
go for a reg macbook or macbook pro over the air as reg macbook just abit fater and better specks then u can always add an ssd if u want one later and u still get a cd drive or if u really dont need it u can add a second hard drive there or just take out the cd drive and save on the wait
well a max out macbook 2.4ghz 4gb ram 250gb hard drive with the discount costs just under £870 a basic air costs £10031.65

so lot cheaper and better spec on the macbook and there not that much size difference

or u can spend a little more and get a macbook pro starting at £1105

also check the refurbished store i got my macbook pro from there
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