EEEEP : 4 Led's On DFI board after overclock! HELP

4 Aug 2005
Ok guys recently just tried upping my fsb to 280*10 on my opty 170 with 1.4v all was fine booted into windows and started priming, watched it for 5 mins then went away as everything seemed shweet, cameback 20mins later and the comp had powered off! Now when i try to switch the comp on all fans spin up but i have all 4 led's on my Sli-DR's diagnostic! :( What does this point to? i hope it's not cpu related
Tried a 8 hour cmos clear no joy, i have a feeling that as the chip is naked (ihs removed) then some as5 has gotten on the chip and is causing a problem, going to have to unscrew my Typhoon and clean it up. Will let you guys know today how i get on, i really hope the cpu hasn't died otherwise that is £250 down the drain :mad:
ok update guys, i took the motherboard out of the case and it powered up fine :S returned it back to the case and got the same problem! any further ideas?
yeah it is, i just can't figure out where, i tried everything with the board in the case, masking tape over the standoffs, paper on the mobo tray nothing worked! i got it back out on the bench and it fired first time! now this is more interesting, i got the motherboard tray out (i have a akasa eclipse) and put the board back on the tray outside the case and it fires up first time! so where the **** is it shorting? lol
i can't understand how it can be because the board sits on the tray which is a lot bigger than the motherboard :confused: i'm really going to tear my hair out in a minute!
ok guys, comp is back working YAY :D bad news is i am no closer to figuring out what the problem was, i think it's my Hiper Type-R that's on it's way! as i got it to post in the case with nothing attatched then attatched 1 thing at a time testing after each one, finally got all parts in and it posted put the roof of my case on and it wudn't! i took the roof off and it wouldn't post again, so changed psu to my 400w and it posts first time, change back to my hiper and it posts!

Scary huh
hmm you could be right on the grounding thing, it's a possibility i guess. Either way i'm happy that it's working :D and i can get on with overclocking this opty 170
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