Effective way to turn this into a graphic image?

4 Feb 2004
A friend has asked me if I can turn a favorite picture into a logo/graphic image he can use as part of a poster for an arts and crafts club he is a member of.

What I am looking to do is lift the light coloured inlay part on this table and turn it into something I can use on a small A5 poster and also perhaps use it for web. I'm not sure of the most effective way to go about this? The image below is an example and the actual image he would like me to have a go with isn't as complex but I'd guess the same principles would apply.


Any advice hugely appreciated. :cool:
You should be able to use photoshop's selection tools to get the outline, then export the path into illustrator which will give you the vector version.
You could try a high res image and then use select, colour range in photoshop, it might work quicker than doing it manually with the select tool.
Not having much success with this, any other ideas folks? This is the actual image we are trying to lift the shape/pattern out of. I have a hi-res jpg and .DRW file of it too but I just can't work out how to select all of the dark coloured shape part and cut it from the image.

3 ways:

load in image to photoshop:

1)use magic wand tool to select the light part, set tolerance to about 30
2)manually erase the light wood using the eraser tool
3)create a new layer, then use the pen tool to draw a line around the image
Best I can do, open it in inkscape or something.

(Click on image to download .SVG file):

To get the above, I opened the image in gimp and used the pen tool to go round a quarter of the pattern, filled the selection in and duplicated it to make a half and again to make it whole. Tweaked it a bit and imported it into inkscape and converted the bitmap into a path, then tweaked it a bit more.

EDIT: It is not 100% exact, but I'm sure you can edit it to make it better.
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If you just want the outline then play with the levels til you've knocked most of the colour values out there is enough contrast to reduce it down to get the mask - should be pretty simple to produce a vector version then.
Cheers dudes!!

That's awesome guys, thanks so much for all the info, plenty for me to try there. :)

Cheers Kingorgg, much appreciated. :cool:
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