Einstein@Home in the news

Reading through that article has had a bigger effect on me than I realised.
I run E@H on a couple of backup rigs, just as a spare project. I have just installed it onto my main fermi rig and given it a 50% resource share :eek:
Guess my RAC for seti might take a bit of a hit, but it will give a few people a hand in catching me, I mean Toxic - it was just too easy staying ahead of you :rolleyes: :p:D
I have just installed this to run when my PC isnt being used. Hope it helps in some way.

Nice to have you S'ah but I cant see you, 3 people joined on the 15th -

Cheese on Toast
Chris Overend

.........one of those you ? :)
Dear Einstein@Home volunteer,

I want to share some good news with you.

For more than a year, Einstein@Home has been using about
one-third of the available computer time to search for radio
pulsars in data from the Arecibo Observatory. I'm happy to report
that we found our first radio pulsar last month: PSR J2007+2722.
It is still not sure, but this appears to be a rare type of object
called a Disrupted Recycled Pulsar. The discovery was published
on-line by the journal Science, on Thursday August 12th.

Congratulations to our volunteers Chris and Helen Colvin (Ames, Iowa,
USA) and Daniel Gebhardt (Universitaet Mainz, Musikinformatik, German),
whose computers discovered the pulsar with the highest significance!

Further details of this first Einstein@Home discovery may be found
in the main news item posted on the Einstein@Home web site, at
http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/ . You can also use Google News
and similar searches, with keywords like 'pulsar' or 'J2007+2722'
or 'Einstein@Home' to find recent news articles about the
discovery, in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and other

So far, Einstein@Home has only analyzed about half of the Arecibo data
set. Due to improvements in the instrumentation, the more recent data
is better-quality than the older data, so I am sure there are other
interesting objects to be discovered!

If you have trouble getting Einstein@Home to run, you may search
our user forums for help (http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/forum_index.php)
or post a message asking for assistance in the "Getting Started" forum
at http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/forum_forum.php?id=5

Bruce Allen
Director, Einstein@Home
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