Eizo :(

22 Nov 2003
So how come OCUK have stopped selling Eizo's?

Ok, they are very expensive compared to most other TFT's but the 24" widescreen version is actually cheaper than Apple's 23" offering of outdated-ness and blows pretty much any other TFT out of the water.
As Raymond said, the Eizo's aren't a great seller for the company. I guess the lead time is just far too long for OcUK to maintain any stock.
I understand what you are saying, but then whose buying all those Apple screens to warrant keeping them in stock? :confused: :(

I mean, they are more expensive than the Eizo's and basically, carp when compared to them.

probably the fact ive not heard of eizo before and i have apple, if i had to choose either id opt for the apple. thats purely as i dont know the other company. so maybe thats why
BubbySoup said:
...but then whose buying all those Apple screens to warrant keeping them in stock? :confused: ...

See thats the thing, 'no-one' is buying the Apple screens either - maybe thats why OcUK still have them; the stock could be pretty old but they can't just take it off sale as they will lose a lot of money, and theres always the chance that some punter will come along eventually and buy them.

With the Eizo screens however, I am also assuming that OcUK don't keep stock of these. Each order placed would have to come in directly from Japan, which would take at least 4 weeks :-(
I noticed that -before OcUK stopped selling it- it was still on 'pre-order' status even after several months. I eventually bought mine from an e-tailer who specializes in digital imaging stuff for the same price, so you can imagine how hard it is for OcUK to compete; when they don't have that segment of the market to maintain stock.

Just my thoughts anyway - I could be wrong :)
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