Ejecting external harddisks - a stupid question..

30 Jun 2004
Well I have a few external harddisks attached to my iMac. From time to time I eject those as they seem to be more quiet that way.

But how do I attach it again after such a reject? Do I really have to turn the harddisk off and the on?

Are your harddisks always attached?

Stupid question I am sure...

Merry Christmas to all OC'ers :)
In the energy saver preferences there's an option to spin the drives down when they're not in use. This will mean they're quiet and still mounted in Finder for when you need them!

Cheers... I had a look though and I had that one marked.. Does it affect external drives as well? It only seems to be working with my internal drive...

Will try and see what happens.

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