EK Quantum Kinetic FLT Evolv'd

22 May 2010
It's 2020 and i've done nothing but tinker with this machine, lost count how many times i've rebuilt it and swapped out parts. But as usual im browsing through the ocuk website and the new quantum block reservoirs catch my attention. I do some digging and look at some builds and figure, you know what i could make my rig even cleaner and simplistic. So here we go again, another rebuild thread...

Parts used:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £345.44 (includes shipping: £10.50)​

Everything else i've had previously so was reused in this build.

One thing i learnt through this rebuild, the corsair hydro x tubing is much harder than the usual PETG stuff im use to. I didn't see this when i bought it and thought it was standard PETG but turns out its PMMA which is an acrylic/poly carbonate plastic so had to use a saw to cut it. You can imagine my face when i first tried to cut it with a new tube cutter lol!

I do love this tubing way more though, its much more resistant to scratches and looks clearer. Would definitely be using this again over PETG.

The EK Quantum Kinetic FLT 240 - First impressions...
It's very solid, very good quality and weighty! The machining is top notch and the material itself is very scratch resistant as i found out when i dropped a few heavy fittings on it by accident! It comes with all the necessary mounting hardware and an allen key tool to remove the G1/4 plugs. I got the FLT version with the D5/DDC mount at the back. As standard, the ports on the face are plugged leaving 2 open ports at the bottom. I feel like the ports at the bottom should have been plugged instead, its very easy to miss and forget that there's actually ports down there.. just something to look out for. The block also comes with a built in LED strip which i have yet to test out but does fit on a standard 5v ARGB header.

One thing i did notice and that i always do with EK blocks is testing how tight the screws are in. In this instance the screws were loose. If i was to fill this res block, it probably would have leaked eventually if not straight away as the vibration from the pump. I would 100% you check all your blocks from EK when you first get them to make sure they screws are in tight!

As usual, a couple of pictures of the process and a short description.

Getting the EK Quantum Kinetic mounted with the D5 pump mounted at the rear. Getting all this mounted together with the fan at the back for intake was an absolute ball ache to do! The standard screws that came with the kit is not long enough, i had to dig out some old screws i had to make this all work. Also note to remember to block off the bottom ports on the res block before you install it. Last thing you want is to fill it and have all the coolant fall out the bottom!



New fans, Thermaltake Riing! Came with the controller which i strategically placed under the res for easy access.


ML120's at the top, nice crisp but not over the top bright White led fans


This bitspower EF Summit that i've had for a millennia now...


GPU installed with the riser kit from Phanteks. There is no room underneath, the verti mount sits on the fans shroud...



The first bend! Used a mixture of tools and free hand to get the bends right, took a few attempts but PMMA is quite easy to work with provided you get it hot enough. Minimizing those angled fittings and adding more complex bends, something my last build lacked.




Finally getting the last of the piping in but need to cut some down to fit a flow meter inbetween. Also not 100% happy with the top bend, its slightly sacking downwards. OCD kicks in, will need to adjust it.



More to come later!

Another thing to note, i found PMMA tubing fits much tighter in XSPC 14mm fittings. Probably due to the fact that it was designed for PETG and not PMMA. They do fit but takes a lot more force to get them in, really have to twist and wiggle them to get them past the orings even with a nice chamfer edge.
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It's finally done! Mega happy with the outcome, i admit i had to redo those bends a few times but getting the hang of doing it now. I wouldn't say they're perfect but a lot better than how they were before. Without all the angled fittings its so much cleaner and simplistic, achieving the end goal. Using the quantum kinetic block is definitely the way forward for me, it saves so much space and easily mountable to any 120mm fan slot. Without the big tube style reservoir and pump combo, i gain a lot of space for nicer tube runs. Highly recommend them here!

View attachment 2uMEBe2.jpg






View attachment B1KcpMu.jpg

Thanks for looking :)
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Looks great. Brighter lit rear of case contrasts nicely with the darker red highlights towards the front.
Shame the custom made distro plates for the 011 rarely fit D5 pumps, a bonus with the universal EK res.
Looks great. Brighter lit rear of case contrasts nicely with the darker red highlights towards the front.
Shame the custom made distro plates for the 011 rarely fit D5 pumps, a bonus with the universal EK res.

Thanks! I tried to plan this one abit better than my last with the lighting, i know it was overkill last time and it really just overly lit everything. Yeah the original plan was to get a distro but most of them only took DDC's and didn't wanna change, the new EK Quantum range is really good, they've filled a gap in the market that was much needed.

I Like it, you did a good job with the pictures too.

Thank you! It was a late night before bed session, couldn't resist haha.
Great build and photos!

Interesting to see someone else having issues with those XSPC fittings. I've still got a load that ended up going unused in a project years ago because of the issue you described. Will have to pick up some acrylic tubing to see if I can finally put them to use!
Great build and photos!

Interesting to see someone else having issues with those XSPC fittings. I've still got a load that ended up going unused in a project years ago because of the issue you described. Will have to pick up some acrylic tubing to see if I can finally put them to use!

Apologies for the late reply, yes it was a pain but they do work. Just be sure not to catch or clinch the orings when you push in the tubing, its very easily done with it being so tight.

@Jay85 - is that the XSPC TX360 in both the top and the bottom radiator positions? Great looking build :D
The top one is a generic amazon rad lol, it's literally just what i had laying around so thought i'd use it. Could probably swap it out for a thicker rad but looks good as it is :D

Slick as hell. Love the red.

Thanks man! The desk is almost complete as well, just waiting on the new ultrawide monitor to finish up the setup. Can't wait!
The Revisit:

Since the launch of the 3080, i have sold my 2080 Aorus Xtreme WB and im now waiting on either a FE card or a Asus TUF gaming. Chances are it won't be happening for some time but while im waiting i'll be updating the loop in preparation for said card.

One biggest change is going from a single loop to a dual loop system.

I have since bought:

Alphacool eisblock aurora XPX - Finally retired the old Bitspower EF, massive improvement!
2x EK Quantum FLT 120 with D5 pumps
4x Aerocool Astro RGB Fans (On the way)

Hardline tubing has been changed to EK Water Blocks EK-HD Tube 10/14mm which seems to fit a lot better than my previous tubing in XSPC's hardline fittings.

GPU and Block wise we're looking at:

Asus Tuf gaming 3080 paired with Alphacools new gpu block
Founders Edition 3080 paired with EKWB gpu block when they release it.

I'm choosing the EK block for the founders card purely down to where the inlet and outlet is placed. It will be lessen the amount of tubing needed and allow for much cleaner runs.

So far i've managed to install a majority of the watercooling stuff for the dual loop but of course won't be finalised till i get the gpu block in so i can work out how it will all sit.

Special shoutout for sorting me out on a good deal to the following:

@wookiee87 - for the FLT120
@R4z0r - for the second FLT120
@Illuminist - for the D5 pump






Second FLT waiting to be installed







@Jay85 Very interested to see what you do with this, I have the 011D - XL and found with installing the Gigabyte 3080 Gaming OC I had issues with the standard EK pump/res on a bracket with the card being so long I've had to drop it so low I won't be able to fit in my Black ICE 360 GTS in the bottom. Hadn't considered a dual loop either.
@Jay85 Very interested to see what you do with this, I have the 011D - XL and found with installing the Gigabyte 3080 Gaming OC I had issues with the standard EK pump/res on a bracket with the card being so long I've had to drop it so low I won't be able to fit in my Black ICE 360 GTS in the bottom. Hadn't considered a dual loop either.
I went for the dual loop setup for ease of removal if i was to change out a component. I didn't consider the length of the card purely because i knew the pcb's are rather short for the 3080 series whether it be the founders or Reference models since im watercooling the card anyway. The FLT pump/res combo makes it so much cleaner and allows for so much more space where a classic tube res combo takes up a lot of room. I'll update this when i get all the bits together, probs looking at December though with the way things are going unless i change my mind and get a 2080ti.

The FLT's are brilliant bits of kit but rather expensive for what they are, i was lucky enough to get them both secondhand in very good condition.
So it seems today has changed dramatically!

Just got a call from a competitor and i've been picked from a lucky draw to purchase a 3090! Not the card i wanted but it will do for now till im able to get my hands on a 3080 in the near future!
Interesting development, though I'd wait as opposed to spending over double the amount for such a pitiful bump in performance... Though if you want to swap with no cash your way, I'm your guy :p:p:p:D lol
Interesting development, though I'd wait as opposed to spending over double the amount for such a pitiful bump in performance... Though if you want to swap with no cash your way, I'm your guy :p:p:p:D lol
Haha! I'm confident in a few months this card will still be worth RRP lol. I'm gonna be honest, im not gonna scalp or ask for more but it someone wants it for what i bought it for or a little less i'll be more than willing to let it go when the time comes.

It's a weird feeling, im happy and at the same time im not knowing im spending £1500 on a lemon lol
That is incredible, a competition to win the opportunity to buy something :p:p

Coming from someone who was lucky enough to get one, I do wonder if OCUK could have done something for loyal forum members where they had a hidden sub forum like the members market for users with a certain post count. Whereby it was shared what cards were in stock people could register their intent to buy, 1 per user, and if more users wanted one than stock were available then it was picked at random? Perhaps even taking payment in advance ready to ship the cards out. Any left over stock then going through the normal channels with pre-orders etc. Granted people may still have been upset if they missed out but I think this could have worked.
That is incredible, a competition to win the opportunity to buy something :p:p
Surely it's fairer to run a random lottery to determine who receives one from a limited supply of cards rather than letting the bots get them all.

Sorry should have made it more clearer, it was a random pick that the company used. So all the email addresses that enquired about one were put into a lucky dip and a lucky few were chosen. I asked the staff today how many cards they had of each brand and they said less than 10 cards each...
Coming from someone who was lucky enough to get one, I do wonder if OCUK could have done something for loyal forum members where they had a hidden sub forum like the members market for users with a certain post count. Whereby it was shared what cards were in stock people could register their intent to buy, 1 per user, and if more users wanted one than stock were available then it was picked at random? Perhaps even taking payment in advance ready to ship the cards out. Any left over stock then going through the normal channels with pre-orders etc. Granted people may still have been upset if they missed out but I think this could have worked.
I like this idea, gives everyone an equal shot at getting a card just like how this competitor did it. They actually said they did it this way to avoid the 3080 fiasco where they got loads of complaints..

Just installed my card now, she looks nowhere as bad as everyone makes it out to be tbh. I was skeptical at first but i've changed my mind and i quite like it. Think it was the original colour of the rgb that put me off lol.




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