EK Water Blocks EK-Quantum Vector FE RTX 3090 - Dead GPU

7 Mar 2017
Hi All,
So I have just purchased this GPU water block from Overclockers to add to my CPU loop and I am having some strange issues.

Basically my card is dead while using this block, I have spent seven hours building and re-building to no avail, I have checked every screw and every thermal pad and every connection to the exact manual plan and also followed some YouTube videos to see if I have missed something.

As soon as I plug the card in to the motherboard on its own (just for boot) or re-build the original cooler back on the card, all works fine with no issues.

I would say I am very experienced as I have been building custom loops for over 15 years but this one has stumped me, I have contacted Overclockers for an RMA, do you guys think this is a manufacturing issue and the only resolution or is there something I'm missing with the 30 series cards when water-cooling?

Thanks, Martyn
What a strange issue.

I assume you've checked to make sure there's no bend when fitting?

Have you tried removing individual screws to see if a particular pressure point or contact is causing issues?

No burrs or defects?
Sounds like the card is protecting itself. My guess would be the pressure from the block is causing a short. Have you backing off on screw pressure around power delivery area(s). Sounds like a very hard problem to nail down. If you rma good luck with mounting the next block. Let us know how it goes.
Yeah, I have tried everything, It does it even with just the water block attached and no I/O plate or back plate...........That's just the four screws around the GPU die..

I was going to try washers on the standoffs but that would probably cause bad contact from Die to water block..
having me worried now.. though mine isn't a 3090 but a 3080, i've never had an issue with EK blocks thus far, but did notice a couple screws either cross threaded or not screwed in correctly. EK are sending me replacement fittings/screws to test with so only time will tell whether my card will be fine afterwards.. else it'll be an RMA to OCUK
Does it boots or is dead straight away?
If boots, even for few seconds, then some protection is kicking in.
If not, somewhere a short may be happening.
With the waterblock installed, does the card connects all the way to the PCI slot?
There was a thing on reddit awhile back about these blocks shorting the card because the tolerances were off on the EK block. I believe the short is somewhere near the power connectors.

EK sent out a fix with washers but it didn't eliminate it completely. I'll try and find the reddit post but it was awhile back...
There was a thing on reddit awhile back about these blocks shorting the card because the tolerances were off on the EK block. I believe the short is somewhere near the power connectors.

EK sent out a fix with washers but it didn't eliminate it completely. I'll try and find the reddit post but it was awhile back...

Do you remember if this was model specific.. or only apply to the 3090?
Yeah, I have tried everything, It does it even with just the water block attached and no I/O plate or back plate...........That's just the four screws around the GPU die..

I was going to try washers on the standoffs but that would probably cause bad contact from Die to water block..

I have a 3090FE and EK block in that it works. For me part from some garbage overtightening that EK did on some screws that needed to be sawed off :mad:

But it does work fine. Could be the PCB is bending or flexing it sounds like and card not being happy about it. Washers are needed, recall using mine. Double check the screw size. I initially used the longer ones thinking the shorter ones could not be correct. Best of luck
Ek have to pay about more attention regarding screw sizes. When I tried to install the active backplate, if it was my first built I would have damaged the card. Short screws supplied. But mine was a reference card, not FE.
But even worse if the FE suffers from the same issues, considering how eye-watering the blocks for it are.
Does it boots or is dead straight away?
If boots, even for few seconds, then some protection is kicking in.
If not, somewhere a short may be happening.
With the waterblock installed, does the card connects all the way to the PCI slot?

NO, no boot and PCI slot was fully in.
I guess the issue is a short somewhere.
Even with bad contact I would expect it to boot, even if briefly, before shutting down due to high temperature.
Considering EKWB attention to detail/quality control lately, I would return it and try a new one.
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