EKWB full cover block to Asus X99 mobo

26 Sep 2008
Hey all.

I am building an X99 rig with an EKWB full cover mobo block, very similar to this only I have the board and the block separately as I want to do my own build end to end.

So I am looking at the fittings and working it through but the instructions don't seem to match the reality of the board specifically here in the guide ( instructions is overdoing it really ) EKWB are pretty convinced that there are holes in this board to fit the block


but in practice there ain't no holes there:


The "nearly holes" you can see line up with the CPU mount on the topside of the board here:


and I am thinking maybe I should drill them out to allow the fitting to go ahead as per the instructions but, just as this is a costly board, I guess my question is to the OCUK tech lab team, or anyone else who has built on this platform .. drill or return the board? what's the deal?

Worry not I am not about to take a drill to it without some clear guidance. Does look like I have a board with the insulation pads the video was referring to.

The holes in the actual PCB are there, the material blocking them is a kind of plasticised fabric or a thin layer of a dense foam rubber.

Maybe a very small cannon is what I need.....
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This is what the actual hole looks like in higher resolution, the PCB hole is clearly there and the "nipple" in that foam like material is the result of very gently pressing the block to the board, it's not a solid substance at all.

I reckon it's pretty safe to pierce that as per the video guy. Not today though as there are a bunch of components on the way and all this is just dry running the case layout and assembly.

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