El Hadji Diouf Look A Like

7 Mar 2005
The Voice Of Football
Words fail me. Someone needs a good talking to for doing this to that poor child!

It seems to be a lot of fuss over nothing, I've seen worse tans.

I find it disturbing that even recognising skin colour is deemed a racist offense now, an actual racist would not want to look like a black person but common sense did die a long time ago.

At least Diouf and co took it in good spirit.
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It's only fancy dress, the fact that the kid 'blacked up' to look like his idol should (and was by everyone at the club) taken as a compliment.

It's not the kid/parents fault that the media (or some other organizations) look for every opportunity they can find to stir up racial tensions.
To have to wear that kit and then try to look like one of the biggest twunts in football. That's why you should need a license to have kids, the poor lad has no chance in life.

What a choice for an idol.
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