El Salvador

That's a recipe for disaster waiting to happen. Especially if they house rival gangs. It's only going to be a matter of time before a massive fight breaks out.

El Salvador does have the death penalty but sounds like it's never used. Seems like they should add gang murder to that list. You're not going to deter any gangs from committing serious crime if they just get locked up.
I'm guessing the plan is to lock them all up mixed together, and let them get on with it. Judging by how cowed they all look, the guards aren't being too gentle either.
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Actually it's quite amusing when you work out the maths.

Assuming both toilets are working, that means 50 people per toilet. In a full 24h period that gives each prisoner just under 30 minutes of toilet time per day - the toilet would have to be in use round the clock.

Now consider realistically they will be sleeping for at least 6 hours, chuck in an additional 2 for food, showering, exercise, you're looking at say 16 hours. That brings it down to about 15 minutes a day per prisoner.
Unless all the different gangs decide to work together in the cells, it's going to be carnage. Otherwise the weaker prisoners will never get anywhere near the toilets!
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