Elder Scrolls - Oblivion: Whats your character look like?

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)

I got this game on Sunday after asking about it here.... best move I made, I'm hooked! Been playing it for hours since and not even taken the emeral to Jauffre yet as I have been so busy exploring :)

Anyway I spent AGES creating my character, and am really curious to know what your characters look like? As there are SO many variations you can do, I would like to see what other people have done?

Incase you can't take screenshot, you have to edit your .ini file (My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/Oblivion.ini) and look for bAllowScreenShot=0 and change to bAllowScreenShot=1. In game press Print Screen and the .bmp appears in your main Oblivion directory.

My character looks like this:


Bit dull I know, but Im new to this game :)
Sorry dude, this thread will be closed by the mods and they'll ask you to post this and requests in the screenshot thread.
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