Electric shocks from laptop

30 Aug 2006
When my laptop is plugged into the mains i get small electric shock. This only happens when i touch the corners (where the pain has worn off) of the monitor. I guess the current only passes when a soft part 9of skin is touched against it i.e. under side of fore arm or cheek/face.

Anyone else get this? Could this just be static or an earth fault? Since laptop charges dont have an earth lead on the plug i was wondering what i can do. The laptop works fine and i have found no issues with the running of it.
I get the same on a really old Pentium 2 fujitsu laptop. Not sure what causes it but the surface has also worn away on the edges.
How old is it? It doesn't sound that safe to have around - perhaps it's nature's way of telling you that you need a new laptop :D I'd guess the laptop is earthing through the screen.

You could try putting electrical tape around the edges, at least that should insulate you from the shocks..
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