Electric Surge Killed my Macbook

20 Aug 2003
Today my Macbook (out of warranty) fried itself when I plugged external HDD (when it was on) to the USB port while it was connected to the mains. :mad:

Screen went blank after 2-3 seconds after connecting the HDD and I could smell burnt plastic. I took the battery out immediately and examined everything i.e memory, hdd before trying to start it.

So I was wondering how much I could make from this? and how would I test working components i.e screen, ram, hdd, airport etc when the computer does not come on?

At the moment I'm just sorting my finance to buy the new iMac and therefore I need to get some money out of this borked machine.
I don't have home insurance because it is rented. Is it possible to take home insurance and apply for replacement, after e.g 1 month?
That would be fraud.

Have a word with your Landlord, see if he's got insurance.
Your landlord will probably have building insurance and nothing else, its up to you to have contents insurance surely?
House insurance, you'll get a new laptop. Sorted.

Indeed this it what it is for, however, the OP has made a bit of a blunder.

I don't have home insurance because it is rented. Is it possible to take home insurance and apply for replacement, after e.g 1 month?

No: It's fraud.

Anyway, how many thousands of pounds worth of kit do you need to have before you'd consider insurance? :confused:
Problem is most of my stuff is insured individually except my computer (PC / Mac). I've had the PC for almost 3 years without any problem and I have Sony laptop that is 8 years old, and for that reason I didn't buy the Apple Care because I was confident it won't break under in normal usage.

I might have to look into home insurance since my iPhone is not and if I get the iMac.
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