Electronics question (didn't know which forum!)

27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi guys,

I have here 10 red 5v LEDs and an old phone charger socket that was broken... I want to use the phone charger to power these LEDs and make a light out of them!

The problem (i think) lies in the mA rating of the plug. It has a 5v (4.9v) output and the LEDs are 5v so kno problem there, I can connect them in parallel and have a pretty lamp.. however the plug says on it 450mA whereas I only want between 10-30mA going to the LEDs.

Is this a problem? Or does the mA amount not matter in this case? This is the one part of electronics I never bothered to check up on lol... Thanks guys!
lol thanks dudes :) both a useful and comical reply! best of both worlds...

well... here goeOSHE&G%B"N!&YT)%&YV"!EISAGT OBUAGRRRRGGGGHHH OIH MY GOD IT BURNSNRNFPSAIJSNFB N!H B(!"&%V!!&!!!1111111................................................
they are all the same LED type... specially designed for 5v power supplies - should be fine! will let you chaps know if not lol
lol i tried it with one LED and it works ! - i'm building the light now!

I don't really have anything to build it in haha so I'm trying to find something to make it out of!!

Right now - I'm toying with an old tennis ball tube and a small headphone's holder tthing - not great tbh haa
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