I'm turning a couple of old machines into Linux boxes for family - but my desktop life is Windows and OSX, I tend to prefer my Linux sans-tete, and when I do have to run in a GUI, I tend to just use LXDE or something lightweight to get things done and then remove it again
My family, though, aren't quite as happy in a terminal window as I am, though, so I'm eyeing up Desktop Environments... the problem being that they all look/feel clunky to me.
Then Elementary OS caught my eye: based on Ubuntu, so presumably compatible with anything Ubuntu/Debian is, but with a nice OSX-lookalike theme, so hopefully fairly user friendly (particularly to family members who can work my MacBook already)
Has anyone used it? Does it live up to the promise? I'm currently downloading it to try in a VM and possibly on a laptop later, but the opinion of someone who's tried it in the wild would be great
My family, though, aren't quite as happy in a terminal window as I am, though, so I'm eyeing up Desktop Environments... the problem being that they all look/feel clunky to me.
Then Elementary OS caught my eye: based on Ubuntu, so presumably compatible with anything Ubuntu/Debian is, but with a nice OSX-lookalike theme, so hopefully fairly user friendly (particularly to family members who can work my MacBook already)
Has anyone used it? Does it live up to the promise? I'm currently downloading it to try in a VM and possibly on a laptop later, but the opinion of someone who's tried it in the wild would be great