Elements 4 Help

17 Jan 2005
Just got myself Photoshop Elements 4 and just working my way round it.

I am trying to put a border around the picture in the link below. I would like to try it in various colours as well as with a B&W borders.

The other thing I am trying to get to grips with is the layering. If I wanted to have the entire picture in B&W except a certain item, say a flower, I wanted that in colour.

How do I do these tasks?

Where in Elements do I go?


Hi, to answer your last question first, when I wanted to make a section of a photograph coloured and the rest of it black and white in Elements 2, I used the magic wand feature.

Firstly I shot the photo in colour. Then I used the magic wand (may be found on the left toolbar) to select the areas I wanted to be coloured - holding down shift to include other areas in the selection, then I went to Selection > Invert.

Finally, I went to Edit > grayscale.

As for your first question, to create a border, I normally go to Edit > Canvas Size and then set it to sat 30 or 60 pixels, depending on how big the actual photograph was.

I hope this helps!
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