Elephant insurance question

18 Oct 2002
My insurance runs out on the 23rd March (Thursday). My cheapest quote is through Elephant but throughout the quote process they haven't asked me when I want the policy to start. Obviously I don't want 2 policies overlapping, so at what point does the elephant insurance start? Is it the moment I pay or the moment I recieve the cover note?
When I was covered with elephant pretty sure they gave me instant cover they will ask when you want it to start and the cover is effective from then
I'm with elephant.

If you're buying online, you'll get a box when you go to pay, asking when you want it to start.

I phoned up to buy and cover started straight away.
PMKeates said:
I oddly managed to start my cover with Admiral (Part of the same group, identical online system etc.) some 3 minutes before I bought it!
I used Admiral a couple of years back (never again - mod haters and Indian call centre hell at weekends) and after puting a deposit on the car I chose to start it the morning I was picking the car up. There is an online option as stated.
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