Elgato EyeTV

25 Jan 2003
Newark, Notts
Anyone had any experience with these? Considering purchasing one for my iMac but I don't really understand the difference between each version apart form some having one tuner andf others two.

WOuld also like to use it to hook my xbox 360 up to, anyone else tried it?
Connect360 can interact with your iMac & Xbox!

I've had an Elgato & EyeTV before, for Freeview. Very good software! New features added since I've had it though to make it even better. Full EPG and convert for iPod/iPhone/AppleTV

I'd certainly repurchase one if I felt the need in the future, good idea for an iMac though (I have MBP).
After a bit of research it seems the Elgato Hybrid is the way to go (£120), but apparently it doesn't support 60hz games.
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